by Brandon Moore | Kramer Crew, Marketing
It’s my distinct honor to announce that Wayne Glowac has joined Kramer as our Chief Marketing Officer. Everyone at Kramer just enrolled in a master-level class in strategic marketing. Wayne is a career sales & marketing professional and has served as a consultant,...
by Brandon Moore | Branding, Promotions
What’s bigger than a yeti wearing a Kramer branded comfy tee, sipping on his sleek Kramer water bottle and sporting his oh-so-swanky sunnies? Nothing. Nothing except our new promotional marketing department at Kramer. When we talk about branding and promotional...
by Brandon Moore | Websites
Yes, Google changed its search algorithm in late April. They’ve updated the sauce hundreds of times, but this was a big one. It’s been called “Mobilegeddon” and that makes it seem pretty important. Google will now be using mobile-friendliness as an official ranking...
by Brandon Moore | Branding, For Fun
Sometimes, when we talk about branding, things get pretty esoteric. Stop me if you’ve heard this one. “By creating a holistic brand experience, we find that the integrated shapes create a sense of unity found within the solace of the negative space.”...
by Brandon Moore | For Fun
Free holiday desktop wallpapers help you get in the mood for the holidays. These custom desktop designs were crafted for you by your Kramer comrades. Select the size that’s right for you below the image of your choice and download. » Download XL MerryJollyHOHO...